Burning Photos of a person

First, your $110 / $111 settings are such that your machine can go no faster than 5000 mm/minute, or 83 mm/sec. Anything you request higher than that will have no effect.

Second, you’re using an older version of GRBL (looks like 1.0b, maybe?) that doesn’t have laser mode. Check to make sure the ‘S value Max’ setting in the Device Settings in LightBurn matches the $30 setting in the firmware (yours is 1000).

The lack of laser mode means that your controller is likely pausing with each power change, and that will be causing the massive over-burn you’re getting. If you can upgrade to newer firmware (GRBL 1.1f at least) it should help a great deal.

k, I updated S Value to 1000 (not sure why) but where do I get GRBL 1.1f? I did resetup my device using M3.
image but that changed nothing

I also updated $110 & $111 to 10000

For your specific machine, I’m not sure. I would contact whoever makes it to see if they have a version of it for that hardware. If it’s generic, you can likely find it online. A good number of people use the T2Laser trial to re-flash their controllers to newer versions of GRBL, but there are other tools available to do this.

So I installed T2Laser and updated firmware. How’s this?

$0=10 $1=25 $2=0 $3=0 $4=0 $5=0 $6=0 $10=1 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=0 $23=0 $24=100.000 $25=1000.000 $26=250 $27=1.000 $30=255 $31=0 $32=1 $100=80.000 $101=80.000 $102=80.000 $110=4000.000 $111=4000.000 $112=6000.000 $120=800.000 $121=800.000 $122=5000.000 $130=400.000 $131=300.000 $132=200.000 ok

A number of your settings were changed with the update, so you should put them back first. Type these lines, one by one, into the console to change them:


After you change those, in LightBurn you can choose the GRBL device type instead of GRBL-M3, and that should help.

Ok…VERY different results. Thank you. So my EEPROM settings were all messed up from the factory…nice. Not sure how a newbee would ever have known that.

I think it still needs tweaking but happy so far

Defo improvement for sure… Well done.

Have you tried on a smoother finish of wood as this may allow you to see the issues a little more clearly.

Maybe get some smooth plywood and try that initially

I’d say I got it. Thanks to everyone.

Our wedding


Well done. Far improved

Excellent job…

Pineguy can you tell me the exact machine (Universal engraver) you have, I believe that I may have the same machine and would like to update my grbl board to 1.1f as you did. I have 2 of these https://universalengraver.com/products/15000-mw-blue-cnc-laser-engraving-machine?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&cmp_id=10295031559&adg_id=102610676597&kwd=&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx6Sw7dPb6gIVUNbACh33yw2HEAYYASABEgJqT_D_BwE

Yup. That’s the one I got except it’s black is all.
Blue 15000 mW…LOL 15W

I upgraded to 1.1e though. That’s what came in T2 Laser.

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