Cabeza laser sin potencia ( laser head without power )


Soy nuevo en esto del mundo laser. Tengo hace un año un Sculpfun S9, que empezó dándome dolores de cabeza a la hora de grabar, salían los grabados con líneas horizontales, abrí una disputa en la tienda web donde lo compré y me mandaron un pórtico x nuevo, pero el problema seguía aún ajustando todo según me indicaban y los diferentes guías que leía en este foro, etc.
Terminé por comprar el kit de guías actualizado, el problema mejoró mucho pero no del todo.
Todo lo que he realizado en este año son pruebas, tras pruebas, algunas grabaciones y algunos cortes sin llegar a poner el laser al 100%.
Ahora el problema que tengo que de la mañana a la noche, el laser emite luz a partir del 6% de potencia, por debajo no se aprecia luz alguna. También por mucho que suba la potencia ni graba ni corta.
El $ 30 lo suelo tener siempre al 950, tan solo en tres ocasiones he realizado cortes al 100% y lo he variado, pero ha sido cortes de poco tiempo.
Los cables están bien, el carro se mueve para todas las direcciones, el cable que suministra corriente al laser está bien, por que lo he probado cambiar el cable conectado al TTL al conector de 5V, y aquí el laser emite luz, pero no al 100% de igual manera, emite una luz fuerte, pero no quema la madera que puse debajo, ni siquiera marc el cartón que puse en esta prueba.
¿Podría estar el laser dañado?, ¿La placa?. La fuente de alimentación no es, por que lo he conectado a una fuente de alimentación regulable que da hasta 15V 20A, más que de sobra para alimentar dos grabadoras con esta.
La lente está limpia, tengo la manía de limpiar cada vez que he realizado alguna grabación o corte. También la he desmontado y limpiado, pero no la he cambiado nunca, ¿puede ser esta la causa?
Me podrían ayudar a dar algún paso que no haya visto por este foro.

P.D Disculpen por escribir en español, no entiendo mucho el ingles, todo lo traduzco por el navegador.


I’m new to this laser world. I have a Sculpfun S9 a year ago, which started giving me headaches when recording, the engravings came out with horizontal lines, I opened a dispute in the web store where I bought it and they sent me a new gantry, but the problem still continued adjusting everything as indicated and the different guides that I read in this forum, etc.
I ended up buying the upgraded guide kit, the problem was greatly improved but not completely.
All I have done this year are tests, after tests, some recordings and some cuts without getting to put the laser at 100%.
Now the problem that I have that from morning to night, the laser emits light from 6% power, below it no light can be seen. Also, no matter how much power is raised, it neither records nor cuts.
I usually always have the $30 at 950, only on three occasions have I made cuts at 100% and I have varied it, but it has been cuts for a short time.
The cables are fine, the car moves in all directions, the cable that supplies power to the laser is fine, because I tried changing the cable connected to the TTL to the 5V connector, and here the laser emits light, but not at 100% the same, it emits a strong light, but it does not burn the wood that I put under it, it did not even mark the cardboard that I put in this test.
Could the laser be damaged? The board? The power supply is not, because I have connected it to an adjustable power supply that gives up to 15V 20A, more than enough to power two recorders with this one.
The lens is clean, I have a habit of cleaning it every time I have made any recording or cutting. I have also disassembled and cleaned it, but I have never changed it, could this be the cause?
Could you help me to take a step that I have not seen on this forum.
Thank you.

PS Sorry for writing in Spanish, I don’t understand much English, I translate everything through the browser.

Le pongo mi configuración:

I put my configuration:

Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Target buffer size found




Target buffer size found

Tengo también instalado LaserGRBL y hace lo mismo.

I also have LaserGRBL installed and it does the same thing.


He detectado al trasluz que la lente tiene marcado como un cuadradito algo desplazado del centro, no está rota, no marca grieta alguna, solo la marca muy leve casi no se aprecia, ¿Podría ser la causa?, espero que el laser no esté dañado :frowning: ni siquiera ha podido realizar ningún trabajo satisfactorio de que poder disfrutar.

Gracias y perdonen las molestias.


I have detected by holding the light that the lens is marked as a small square somewhat displaced from the center, it is not broken, it does not mark any cracks, only the very slight mark is hardly visible, could it be the cause? I hope the laser is not damaged :frowning: you haven’t even been able to do any satisfying work that you can enjoy.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

This is fine my friend. Most of the folks here speak English and Staff are on deck to translate and help. The only downside with offering a lengthily description in a less common language is that some members may skip past it.

I saw a post on another thread saying (in English) that you were ‘fed up’ with the forum. I looked into your other posts and saw this one had sat for three days.

Occasional delays are inevitable.

Please attach a picture of the unanticipated behavior that you are seeing in your engraving.

This is intriguing. It may be of interest to check S Value max (in Device settings to confirm that the scaling is correct. Click Edit, click Device Settings, and confirm the number in the box. These can easily be set differently when they should be set the same.

Hello John

Thanks for answering.
First of all, a clarification, as I said, I know very little English, a very, very low level, the translation played a trick on me and I didn’t want to say “fed up”, I don’t know what translation the translator did. I apologize if something was misunderstood. I just wanted to mention that I am constantly reading forum threads, I am learning many things and of course I am very happy to be among you.
I will correct the misunderstanding.

Now to the ruling,
I show you what comes out in my configuration, as I say I have it at 950 to never put the laser at 100%, I only change to 1000 for when I really need the laser at 100%, I prefer to take one or two passes than to put it at 100%, for all the comments that I read and I see that they recommend not putting the laser at maximum power for a long time so that it lasts as long as possible.

If you did the 5V-connector test and the laser can still not mark any material, then the laser module is broken, I guess. Of course, the lens can be the reason, but if you only see a very slight marking there, it should not reduce the power to that extent. You can ask Sculpfun for a replacement of the module (or do an upgrade to the S30 10W for example). I think you ruled out most of the typical options that are normally left.

Thanks Melvin for the answer.
It is the laser head that is damaged, I had the 32-bit support kit update on the way and knowing that I had it in delivery for Monday, on Sunday I bought the 10w laser head from sculpfun.
On Monday I mounted the wizard, the plate, the line endings and I put the S9 head and the laser did not work. Today, Tuesday, the head of the S10 arrived and it works.

I have the S9 still under warranty, I will ask the seller for a replacement or payment of the difference. If they send me a new one, I’ll experiment with making a homemade one and I’ll ask around here and help as much as I can.

Text translated by google translator, sorry.

Greetings and thanks.

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So that they know a little how to find out that a laser diode is damaged.
I contacted the sculpfun technical service, since I had my recorder under warranty and they asked me to do the following:

1 Connect the laser head to the 5V socket of the card.
2 Focus the laser on a wall, approximately 3 meters is recommended.

Depending on how the laser comes out focusing, it is known if the laser is bad or good.
I am attaching an image of how the laser should focus correctly at that distance. Outside of that opening range it gives symptoms that the laser is damaged.

light spot

I got a very wide, completely rectangular focus, without concentration on the light beam, nothing to do with the attached image.
A 10 for the sculpfun support team who sent me a new one.
I asked them how it is possible that it has been damaged if I have hardly worked with it in a year, just little things with the little time I have and they tell me that due to different environments and engraving materials, the laser may also be damaged and the machine will not be used for a long time, which will also cause the laser to become weak.

I hope this can help someone to rule out doubts if their laser is or begins to be damaged.

Text translated with a translator, sorry if I cause confusion.

If your beam looks different, it’s most likely a broken lens. You don’t need to replace the whole module. You can exchange the lens.
And for next time, make sure to clean the lens after each heavy use, this is essential to maintain the module very regularly.

Muy bien, en español para incentivar la comunidad, yo tengo un problema similar, hace pocos días me llego mi ICUBE era lo que necesitaba por el tamaño, y según 10watt ópticos… parecía suficiente, la cuestión es que llego sin potencia en el lase, a 100 mm/min y potencia 100% no hace nada de nada… estoy esperando respuesta de soporte.

Which settings did you use? Do you see any light emitted from the laser head? Did you check the cables?