Camera Alignment / Calibration

So I have taken a 720P laptop camera and am using it with lightburn. I’ve configured it as a straight lens and then did the alignment. As I keep using it i’m beginning to notice that things are not quite aligned properly. I’ve attached a image to show you what I mean.

As you can see the pattern I drew and how it lines up on the camera. The lines are 10mm apart when i check the spacing on the wood they are also 10mm apart. Its solely how its being rendered / sized

Has the distance from the camera to the top of the material changed since you did the alignment calibration? If your material surface is closer, that would make it larger in the camera render. The camera code is meant for lasers with a movable bed, so the material surface is always at the same distance from the camera.

If yours doesn’t have a movable bed, it’s still possible to use the camera, but I’d recommend doing the alignment process for each of a couple different material heights and saving them (right click in the camera window, choose ‘Export’). When using the camera, import the camera alignment that best matches the material height you’re using.

I have a move able Z not a move able bed… That explains it THANKYOU

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