Camera alignment is not correct


As I already had this cam I am trying to setup it: EZVIZ C6N 4MP - Couvre chaque recoin en résolution 2K

I wasn’t sure that it have a fisheye objective or not so I did both the objective and calibration procedures twice.

But, first time with the fish eye configuration I was 1cm below the target and, the second time without fish eye I was 1cm too much on te left.

The only things I have notice are:

  • My cam doesn’t have a wide angle so I am only able to capture the middle of my work area (I have a 1500mmx1500mm workbee)
  • When I have burned the target I have kept the 200x200 matrix (because I didn’t see everything)

I don’t know if those two reasons have an impact or not and how I could fix this issue.


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