Camera alignment wizard shows no camera preview after selecting camera and I cannot move forward

I’m trying to complete the camera alignment wizard with lightburn 1.5.01. I select my OMTech Polars camera and then no preview of the view the camera gives shows up. I can complete the job after I send it to the laser but then when it’s time to capture it and complete the red dot test or whatever it’s called I am not able to because no camera views show up through this entire process. I can see the camera in the camera control panel like normal but nothing when in the camera alignment Wizard window. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

Have you gone through the lens calibration process first?

Hi yes, I completed the that process first and it prompted me to start this one within the same window so I was confused as to how the camera would no longer pop up after I just finished taking all those pictures to calibrate it.

Can you take a screenshot of the camera alignment wizard after you attempt to capture the image. Just skip the target alignment burning process for this test.

I just went through the prompts without the screen showing the camera view and it let me finish the alignment. I think everything worked

How were you able to align to the four targets without capturing an image?

The issue I was having was the camera preview would never show up. So after trying to get the preview to show like everyone else’s I just went ahead blindly and clicked the capture button since my image was there and then the picture popped up so I could align the four target pieces. I was thinking I had to see the preview window to know my camera was there but I just hoped for the best and it worked. Thank you for replying to my question I appreciate your help!

Very nice. Glad you were able to get through it and have a working camera.

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