Camera and Alignment Issues

Hi there, I’m having issues getting my camera to align and funtion correctly. I have done the setups many times trying to keep the numbers nice and low, but it’s hard to have confidance when you press a button and get a new number and have changed nothing. Right now my laser is not in alighment with the software even though I have done the alignment. I have done just about everything I can to ensure the camera moves as little as possible but having to place it over the work area, which means on the lid, a moving piece seems chanllenging at best. I am open to thoughts and ideas on how to get this alignment set up as my ultimate goal is to use the print and cut feature. Thank you in advance.

I don’t know how to tag the customer service team, if anyone can help get their attention it would be apprecaited. If I am in the worng area please let me know or mod feel free to move this. Thanks!

Hi are you using lightburn camera 5mp or 8mp

No, I am using a 5mp camera the one in my bio. Thank you for your help.

The camera I am using is ELP 5-Megapixel 2592x1944 HD Wide Angle USB Camera

have you followed the lightburn camera setup on YouTube
My problem was laser struts on the lid one side was weaker than the other side
And I was using an extension on usb this will fail
Make sure your cable is not broken maybe try another
Hope this helps

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I havn’t seen their Youtube video, didn’t know they had one. I have been here Tutorials – LightBurn Software but no camera setup videos.

My unit has to have the lid down to use the camera. I have followed all the setups in the software but they never seem to produce a solid result. While it works it’s just offset and largely unsuable.

Thanks for the help!

Do you know how to reach customer service?

I have the same problem. Spent ALOT of time re-doing everything many times. 2 weeks ago, I thought I had it fixed, after re-doing the whole proceddure many, many times, and with some peoples help. Went to use it last weekend, everything is offdet again, I gave up again… let me know if you figure it out.

The trail of my jouney is here…

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Thank you for your response. I am saddened that the customer support team couldn’t help resolve this issue for you, this has me concerned for my success chances.

You list a K40 in your profile, which is notorious for having a lid that moves around, so If you are mounting to that lid, you need to remove any play, so the camera stays in a known location. If the camera moves from the configured location, even as little as a mm or less, so does the accuracy of usage.

Please start here and provide the results:

To share, LightBurn is a very small team supporting a large group of users from around the world. We appreciate your patience. This forum offers direct communication with LightBurn Staff and our great community of helpful users. If something is urgent, best to email our support address.

Yes I have eliminated the slop in the lid by using tight tolerance washers, I saw that and said that’s not going to work. This doesn’t get worse over time, it’s bad right off the hop. I can perform all the cals and alignments and nothing is in alignment. Sure its close but that’s good for hand grenades and horseshoes.

We need a bit more specific information. What does “nothing is in alignment.” mean, exactly? How do you determine this? What test have you run and what are the results. Telling us that it is not in alignment doesn’t offer much for us to go on. We are trying to “see” what you observe, and require your words to do so.

Certainly I concur with your thoughts. My test is that I laze a piece and the lazed object doesn’t line up with the marked object on screen. There is a distinct distance off. If I use the offsets in the Lightbrun camera settings things will be corrected, but only for that first piece, after that things are no longer in alignment.

I hope this sufficiently answers your questions?

Can you include screenshots and/or photos that show this?

Also, can you quantify the “distance off” that you’re seing?

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