Camera Calibration iMac Catalina

I am running a Mira 7 on an iMac with Catalina 10.15.7 and using version 9.24 of lightburn. When I go to calibrate my camera it takes me through the whole process successfully but then when finished it keeps telling me use the calibration wizard and hasn’t recognized the process. Yes, I did click finish so it was done correctly. I am wondering if there a different version of lightburn I should install. I did try the newest version of lightburn and it will not even allow me to calibrate and gets stuck on “capturing image” forever, so I backed it down. 1.0.03 and 04 would not capture the image either so I kept backing down to older software. Thank you for any insight!

Stick to the latest version 1.0.06 and correct the issues preventing the calibration from occurring. There are many Topics here that cover troubleshooting of camera calibration issues. It’s possible that since you’ve done the calibration already that it will retain that when you upgrade.

Yeah, none of those solutions seems to work sadly.

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