Camera calibration is off after updating lightburn

I use a logitec camera in my laser which has been working magnificently until today, when I updated Lightburn.

After updating, my camera calibration as way off. Recalibrating and realigning the camera worked…but I’d hate to do that every time I update the software.

Is it normal to lose camera calibration settings every when you do an update?

No. This is not typical. I do recall hearing that there were a number of changes made to the camera code, however, so this might have contributed to what you saw.

Perhaps one of the LightBurn folks can provide more insight.

I had this happen as well after the last 3 minor upgrades (1.1.01, 02, 03). Camera position had been stable prior to this. Using the lightburn 4K camera on windows.

It keeps happening. I recalibrated the camera after the first upgrade and it was better than ever, but then the next upgrade came along soon and the camera was off again. I haven’t tried recalibrating again – I’m just using it to generally place my design and then carefully framing but I plan to try again in a while if I’m going to need more exact placement. Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one with this issue.

Cheryl - if you have the time, could you please go to Laser Tools > Calibrate Camera Lens, select your camera, go to the next screen, click ‘Capture’, and post back here the resolution reported just under the ‘Capture’ button?

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It says 2304 x 1536. Is that what you mean?

Hi Cheryl can you do this please:

Run LightBurn
Choose ‘None’ for the camera
Help > Enable debug logging
Select the Logitech camera
Take a capture
Quit LightBurn
Look in your Documents folder for ‘LightBurnLog.txt’

Attach and send that file to

Subject line; “Camera calibration is off after updating Lightburn (Forum)”

Body of the email;

For Nicholas Leqeta,


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