I use a logitec camera in my laser which has been working magnificently until today, when I updated Lightburn.
After updating, my camera calibration as way off. Recalibrating and realigning the camera worked…but I’d hate to do that every time I update the software.
Is it normal to lose camera calibration settings every when you do an update?
No. This is not typical. I do recall hearing that there were a number of changes made to the camera code, however, so this might have contributed to what you saw.
Perhaps one of the LightBurn folks can provide more insight.
I had this happen as well after the last 3 minor upgrades (1.1.01, 02, 03). Camera position had been stable prior to this. Using the lightburn 4K camera on windows.
It keeps happening. I recalibrated the camera after the first upgrade and it was better than ever, but then the next upgrade came along soon and the camera was off again. I haven’t tried recalibrating again – I’m just using it to generally place my design and then carefully framing but I plan to try again in a while if I’m going to need more exact placement. Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one with this issue.
Cheryl - if you have the time, could you please go to Laser Tools > Calibrate Camera Lens, select your camera, go to the next screen, click ‘Capture’, and post back here the resolution reported just under the ‘Capture’ button?
Run LightBurn
Choose ‘None’ for the camera
Help > Enable debug logging
Select the Logitech camera
Take a capture
Quit LightBurn
Look in your Documents folder for ‘LightBurnLog.txt’