Camera Calibration Issues

If anyone can help me sort this out. I’m not sure if I’m having issues with my camera or the software.

When I go to calibrate the camera, when I choose the camera from the drop down, it shows up in preview. Then I click to capture a picture so I can mark the little targets, and the camera picture disappears.

When I try the process with my built in facetime camera, it works through all of the steps, but with my camera (like the lightburn one, but ali-express since LB was sold out for so long) I can’t get the picture to show up. I’ll attach screen shots of both cameras below.

Is it my camera, or is there something buggy with how lightburn calibrates an external camera?

Side note: I got it to work one time, but even after marking the targets carefully, when I tried to engrave, the scale was all wrong.

This is the same sequence with my facetime camera (I have the camera covered, which is why it’s a grey box) :

I’m not sure why this happens, but some cameras are fussy this way. It’s part of the reason we source & sell our own, because I can guarantee those work.

If it worked once, it should work again. You might need to wait a moment after selecting it for the image to appear.

Which version of MacOS are you running?

I’m using Catalina 10.15.7, so I think the latest one. I tried waiting for a few minutes to get it to show up and it didn’t work. I also read in a different thread sometimes switching on the facetime camera then back to the other one will sometimes “wake up” the external camera, but for some reason in the calibration screen it doesn’t work, even though that trick did work on the main screen and when choosing the external camera in the first picture I posted. It’s weird.

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