I finally received my camera setup, and was excited to get it installed and run the calibration. I made it to the capture screen, clicked capture, and it just hung on processing. I gave it some time, but after 10-15minutes it was still hung on processing. I closed Lightburn, and re-opened to try again, same issue. At one point I expanded the window for calibration and when it switched to the larger window it now said image capture successful click next. We’ll long story short, every time I click capture I have to then expand the window to see the capture was successful, then click next, minimize the window, click capture, maximize the window to see that the capture was made, and then repeat with next, minimize window etc…. That seems like a very strange software glitch. I am using an iMac, and want to move the camera to a more optimal spot on the laser, but don’t want to mess with it if I have to go thru all that capture trouble again. All the videos I watch, the capture is done easily in one window.
I am having the exact same issue. I did not try the making it larger but i will now.
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