I am having a beast of a time calibrating my camera in lightburn, purchased it with my longer ray5 (came as a set). i got it to work once, then when I purchased and installed my license code - LB would not see my camera settings any more and when i go to configure them, lb can’t see the pattern. also when i went to comment on an existing post i was unable to. Please help
dell desktop - usb camera - windows 10
Show a screenshot. Make sure there is sufficient lighting and no reflections. Some tips are here: Using a camera with a diode laser - Diode Laser Wiki
I adjusted the light between 3 and 4
I hope i have provided you with enough info. also have tried to re-seat the camera, unplug re plug, have rebooted often still nothing.
Just to add one more note - just updated to lb 1.7 to see if it made a difference
There are a few things that you can try. The circles are far too small. Print them on a full A4/letter sheet of paper. On normal paper, it’s also less shiny. Next, mount the camera lower. You don’t need to see the frame of the laser. Mount it such that it covers the full work area, not more. Then you also will get bigger objects and the usable resolution increases.
Turn the image for 180 degree.
I have run the calibration a few times and usually it is a real PITA to get it to work all the way from A to B. Usually it will crap out in the middle of the process, requiring me to just keep repositioning the pattern over and over, adjust lighting, cover the bed thoroughly, etc. etc. I don’t understand why it is so damn finicky but the later versions seem to have done nothing to improve the process. For me, it’s just a trial and error between moving the pattern around and playing with ambient lighting to get it to complete the process.
working on this again today - still no positive results. what is making me feel as if there is an issue is the speed in which the calibration failure comes back. almost instnatyl. if i turn off the Honeycomb enabled check box, the system will pause as if it is really looking or trying.
not sure what my next steps should be.
tried both the calibration card that came with the camera kit, tried with a print out from the download (within lightburn) both are on white paper, tried to rotate the pattern 90° -
ready to throw some spagetti against the wall to make this work.
Same here. LB can’t find the pattern. I tried it very hard with sun light and lower light an bring the pattern near and far to the cam. Nothing worked for me.
All look pretty good, but LB don’t see the dots.
What is noisy about the picture?
I also used the other side of the cardboard, without the reflections. You start to see ghosts.
I find the tags work better, and are picked up quicker with the newest version
I think, I used the newest version of the programm.
Please try using the new April tags instead of the dot pattern when calibrating your lens and using the latest version: 1.7.03
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