Camera console stuck on second monitor

My camera console when activated under the window tab shows up on my second monitor and I cannot get it to move back into the software box. It will not allow me to move it at all. Anyone had this happen?

Try going to Window > Reset to default layout.

If that doesn’t work, hold Shift when launching LightBurn and it will force reset it all.

Thank you. I’ll give that a try.

Got the camera console back. Thanks.
Now it wants to home in the middle top. I’ve not changed any settings. Any ideas like it’s shifted the entire cutting field to start in the middle of the x axis and top of Y axis.

I don’t understand what you mean by this - can you describe that differently?

Sorry. I rambled. All was well. Set an image after getting things running and after flipping the image vertically the machine started cutting from and homing to the middle of the gantry on the y axis and top of the x axis. Turned all off manually set laser to zero top left and turned back on. All was good but then zero moved again and camera alignment has to be redone. Did another off on and manual reset to zero top left and for the remainder of the work it did fine. Not sure what happened.

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