Camera on a blue and white

Just wondering if anyone is using a lightburn camera on a Chinese blue n white 60 watt. Bed size 12 x 20 inches.

I just started installing it yesterday

Which one did you go with?

I installed a 90 degree on my blue & white 12x20 about 6 months ago. Only problem I have is depending on the time of day or night is the picture sharpness but have learned all the tricks on which lights to turn on or off to get a better picture. Also, the use of a sharpie to draw outlines on the mask is a great help because the camera is so far away inside the lid right behind the handle. It has been a tremendous help and time saver.

Thanks for the info, just trying to picture this. I am going to assume you are using the camera with the lid open?

Yes, it is all calibrated and set up to use with the lid open. It shows the laser head working from the side when the lid is closed.

I was thinking of the 90 but would like to mount it on the closed lid so it can be used when running. I know set up would be a pain but does anyone have pictures of where they mounted on an open lid and what it looks like when running the laser? Thanks

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