Camera setup for different laser heads

I have the Lightburn 8MP camera and have it set up to work with my xTool 10w diode laser. I have it set up and it works great. I have the settings saved in camera control.
I also want to be able to use it with my IR laser head but, the diode isn’t in the same place in relation to X or Y axis. It looks like I would have to do another camera alignment but, I don’t see any way to save that under a different name. There doesn’t seem to be a “save as” option for that.
Does anyone know of a workaround for that? I would hate to have to do a camera alignment every time I change laser heads.

Not an elegant one.

I’m not absolutely certain this will work but I don’t see why it wouldn’t. You could try the following:

  1. Right click in Camera Control and export your current Camera Settings naming it something like “xTool Blue Laser”
  2. Install IR laser and rerun Alignment process. Then export those settings as something like “xTool IR Laser”
  3. Then every time you swap modules just import the appropriate camera settings for the respective module.

That looks like it should work. I’ll work on it and let you know.

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I don’t think that’s going to work. The camera console just sets offset from the original camera alignment. I haven’t found a save or export setting after the camera alignment is done for the different head.

Not sure if I understand. Are you saying that the second alignment depends on the first as a relative shift? That sounds odd.

Can you upload the two exported files here to review?

Alternatively, could you delete the camera portion of your prefs.ini file between alignment runs? If you attempt this, I suggest you take a backup of the file.

I’m going to start over from the beginning and see what happens.

Another option is to set up a separate different device profile for your IR module, and run the alignment process for that profile. To duplicate your xTool profile you can click ‘Devices’, right click your current profile, select ‘Duplicate’, and then click ‘Next’ through the device creation process. By default the new profile’s name will be the existing profile’s name + (Duplicate), but you can also change it something like ‘xTool D1 IR’.

There are a couple of device settings xTool recommends tweaking for use with the IR module, so it’s advisable for that reason as well that you have a separate profile set up:

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That sounds like a good solution, I’ll try it.

Oh that’s way more elegant. I didn’t realize the camera was tied to each device profile and that the camera could be reused across profiles.

Do I have to calibrate the lens for each one or just the camera?

You’ll need to complete the calibration step again for the duplicate profile. Since you have a LightBurn camera you can select the proper preset from the dropdown menu in the calibration wizard, and then click ‘Next’ to finish the process or move on to the alignment step.


That did the trick. Still having a couple of issues but, the settings are staying with each laser head.