Hello, I have a Omtech Polar 350 Laser which has a fisheye camera in the center of the lid. I’ve done the calibration several times already and tried the included calibration file, but the positions are always a little off. I’m not sure how I can improve the accuracy. It’s accurate enough within approximately the innermost 1/3 of the area, but the outer area is always several mm or even a cm off.
I had to print the pattern on 3cm width, because on larger prints the pattern isn’t even found. I had a score of <0.15 in each step, so I thought it should be accurate enough already.
How can I improve the accuracy?
When you place material on the bed of the engraver. Does the top surface of the placed material match the top surface of the material used for the Alignment?
Does the bed of the laser engraver move away from the camera to set focus for thicker material on your Polar 350?
A change in elevation between the bed and the camera changes the trig used to map the camera position from what it sees into a directly overhead (over-bed) position.
Lowering the Bed also shows the same type of translation error.
You may need to repeat the alignment portion of the camera setup to increase precision after elevation changes.
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