Camera zoomed in

Same question different circumstances. I’ve had the laser for about 6 months and have been using the camera all along. After this last update (1.4.01) I lost my camera feed and Lightburn wanted me to recalibrate. I’ve since done the calibration multiple times as well as the alignment. On the preview side everything looks fine, but when I update overlay it’s zoomed in. I’ve re-started my Mac, unplugged the camera, and restarted lightburn. Thoughts?

Can you go to File->Load Prefs Backup and see if you can revert to a working backup?

I’ve just reloaded a prefs back up from a month back and it’s still zoomed in.

Interesting. That implies it’s not a configuration issue. It may be a detection issue or default resolution issue.

Are you plugged into the same USB port on your computer? Has anything changed hardware wise?

When you go through the camera alignment process, are you burning fresh targets and does the image look correct during the target alignment process?

I am going through the same problems as you. Have you resolved your issues and if you have could you explain what to do. Thanks so much!

Yeah… I ran the calibration again, and then the alignment. Someone had mentioned being aware of the scale when burning the targets. That’s where my problem was.

I hope this helps.


Could you explain what you mean by scale when burning the targets. Do you mean distance apart from each target or placement of targets in relation to total burning area? Thanks!

I reburned the the targets spaced from each other as far as the program would allow. Now my camera is back working correctly. Thanks so much for your help!

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