Can anyone recommend a fiber laser engraver for jewelry that uses Lightburn? I got a ComMarker B4 20w but it’s too temperamental, it will focus ok and engrave and other times it won’t. I am engraving 18k plated stainless steel
I’m not saying that you need this specific machine, but this video shows some cool things:
If you are located in the US, I have been happy with the machine I got from Fiber Lasers Machines – Lasers Only
I believe I have this one: 50W Fiber Laser Marking Machine JPT – Lasers Only (but based on the pics it looks like they made some upgrades to it since I purchased - it looks good)
The JPT source is good and “MOPA” is the part that will aid with doing colors on stainless, if that is your desire. Doing colors is finicky, btw, and your exact results will also vary based on things like ambient temp.
I’ll check it out! Whats ambient temp? I’m just looking to do light 1 tone engraves, not deep engraving.
“ambient temp” here means “the temperature in the room”. As this and other environmental factors vary slightly, your same job with same settings could produce different color results.
If this is not a major factor for you then you don’t have to worry about it, just something to keep in mind for the future.
oh I see. Thank you
That’s a nice machine … fiber lasers are all temperamental. Once setup, they are fast and efficient.
I have periods of disbelief with my 60W MOPA, then I figure out what’s going on.
I think you have a nice machine, if it’s working properly moving to another machine may be moot.
We’re here to help, so post a problem and we’ll try to help you out. The Gweike is likely the same hardware (or similar) and probably wouldn’t be much of a change.
IMHO, I think the Commaker you have is fine, you just need to learn how to drive it.
Good luck
The machine is’t working properly and there’s an issue with the Cor file that they don’t seem to be able to fix. I’ve been trying it out for weeks with many different settings, materials and it just doesn’t work properly.
Maybe we can help you get it set up… I hate to see you spend money ,when you may not have too.
Can’t say we can fix it, but we can sure try to help you get it going.