Can I edit a job after it’s already been sent to the laser and is running?

Help guys. I’ve got a very large whiskey, barrelhead that I had to make a correction to. I paused the software and made the correction and restarted it. Will the correction take affect or do I need to do something else?

LightBurn sends the entire file to the Ruida controller, then starts it, so any changes you make to the design cannot affect the current job.

Assuming you do not move the barrelhead, you can cancel the paused job, make the changes in LightBurn, click Preview, scrub the slider to where you want to restart, then click the Start here button to send that part of the job to the controller.

Which might actually work most of the time, but if the changes affect the part that’s already been engraved, there is no Undo function. :grin:

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