Can I return to the initial set-up screen to add/configure/find my laser

Old new guy here. IT stupid too.
Can I get back to the initial setup screen to add/find/configure my laser.
Cannot get the two two communicate

Absolutely, in the Laser window, screen right/bottom find the (devices) button. click that to bring up the list of laser/lasers you have created. Double click on your laser or select and choose Edit. Then you can run through the setup steps again. Concurrently you can adjust laser properties under (edit) screen left/top and choose Device Settings, the little wrench icon. The wrench icon is also located in the Main Window toolbar for quick access to machine settings.

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Additionally, this should help you walk through some troubleshooting techniques for connection issues. :slight_smile:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Anycubic? Laser engraver… Marlin?

I will give it a shot.
Thank you very much.
I’m sure I will become a regular

Otay, I got through the setup . It say’s the laser is not connected

With everything plugged in and turned on, watch for a message from the laser engraver in the Console window.

If the message is in the Console window, you’re connected.

If the message is not in the Console window, click the middle button in the bottom row of the Laser window and select another COM port option. Wait 5-10 seconds for the message in the Console window. If it doesn’t appear, test any remaining options the same way and report back.

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