Can i use light burn to make dxf g.code

Can i use light burn to make dxf g.code to use on a cnc plasma

In general, no.

Reviewing the previous discussions may point out the problems and what’s involved in partially fixing them:

@Frenchy if you are asking ‘Can LB export a .dxf file?’ , then yes it can. See menu File->Export.

I use LB for my plasma table 2D design work, then export .svg into SheetCAM to build the plasma toolpath, but I suspect .dxf would work also. I used .svg from the getgo because I knew it would maintain ‘layers’ (and splines) which I also use in SC, I don’t know if dxf files have the layer concept.

For others that are interested, several plasma table (CNCs) controllers have a feature to simply import dxf files and the controller sw with either integrated PCscreen or running separately on a PC builds the plasma toolpath.

The DXF format most definitely has support for layers.

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