Can Lightburn be used to design fraction circles?

I am trying to design fraction circles for my wife (teacher) to use when she teaches kids math.
I manually made these, but there might be a better way.

Any ideas?

Best regads

You don’t say how you manually created your circles. The polar array tool is perfect for making the designs you’ve presented. Click on the line, then shift-click on either outside circle, then select the polar array tool. Make the settings as desired. It’s a great utility with a live/dynamic display.


I made a circle 100 mm in diameter, drew a line 50 mm long, set the origin to center. Then I manually placed the line in the circle, copy and rotate 120° two times and I had three pieces :slight_smile:
But thanks for the hint, I found a video that helped now, it’s actually easy.

Best regards

Done, not that hard once you get the hang of it :slight_smile:


Peter mind sharing the video site please…I understand pictures better than words…Merlin…

A word is worth one one-thousandth of a picture and by extension, a word is worth one one-millionth of a video. Flipped around, a video is worth a million words.

Hi Merlin, sure the video I looked at was this one:

I hope it helps, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. :slight_smile:
Best regards

Thanks Peter shall have a wee peek later today…

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