Can not get Lightburn to communicate with D1 laser

I think I saw some people have luck connecting to D1 by enabling “Enable DTR Signal” in Device Settings. Can you try that?

Also, you’re currently in Beginner Mode which you may want to turn off in Edit->Settings. You’ll see references to things on this forum or in documentation that won’t be visible to you while in Beginner mode.

i’ll go check these real quick.

It still will not frame or really show any movement to the laser

After doing both of those

Beginner mode won’t affect the connectivity. DTR signal might have.

Can you restart LightBurn and then capture the output of the Console window and paste here?

okay, be right back with the screen shot. I thank you for this help.

I moved the USB cable to another port and tried to frame and cut but it only gave this error

Are you certain that the laser is on COM3? Is it possible that it’s on a different port?

Also, have you tried doing a full power cycle of your laser? Shutting off, unplugging, and then turning back on?

no on the first question yes on the second

it is working Hallelujah!! It was COM 10 in the device manager
it framed and engraved

Hey I can not tell you how grateful I am fro your help. I have only 10 days left on the trial and just now getting this fixed. Thank you so much. Now I have a LOT to learn.

Excellent. Glad you’re up and running.

I could not have accomplished it without your help. Thank you for the willingness to help. I know it took time. God bless you

Note that the LB team is generous about extending if you haven’t had an opportunity to trial the software properly depending on circumstances.

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Where do you ask about that?

I suggest you just email I’ve seen people post on the forum as well.

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Will do, thank you.

2 posts were split to a new topic: xTool D1 - Another communication obstacle