Can this trace be fixed?

Is there a way to fix this picture/trace. The top is wider than the bottom.

blessed are the crewchiefs-denoise-3-trace.lbrn2 (671.5 KB)

How’s this?

I can’t think of a way to do this in the current version of LB so I added perspective in CorelDraw to straighten it up. You could probably do something similar in Inkscape or another vector program.

Hope this helps.
blessed are the crewchiefs-denoise-3-trace - Straightened.lbrn2 (1.3 MB)


With the shiny new version 1.5.01:

  • Drag a pair of vertical guide lines in from the side to the top corners
  • Select the whole trace
  • Click Edit → Tools → Warp Shape (4 points)
  • Drag the two lower blue dots to align the bottom corners on the guide lines
  • Set the layer to Fill if it isn’t already that way
  • Profit!

I think that’s about right, although you could get a bit fussier about the side alignments.


Thank you! Have to hunt around to see if it can be done in LB.

Well done! I thought I’d seen this announced somewhere but I wasn’t sure whether it was in this release or in a future release.

Thanks! I just downloaded 1.5.01 this morning!!!

Thank you again. I tried your idea and it worked perfect. Can start to fill some orders in the morning!! :smiley: :upside_down_face: :grinning:

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