Cannot connect to engraver

I installed Lightburn software according to a tutorial and manually loaded the engraver onto the software, but there is always the error, “waiting for connection.” I know I put the correct machine in Lightburn.
Maybe there is something I missed. Need help please. Thanks…Mike

Is the OS chiming when you plug this laser in? Are you working with known good ports and cable?

Here is a good place to start. Have a review and let us know how you get on.

Did you select the COM port?

I did check the com port, and it says COM 5

Do you have any other ports on the machine? (IE, is COM5 the one the laser is connected to?)

The computer selected the COM port.

I followed the instructions you sent me, and I did everything it said. I still cannot connect. Getting the same error. Something I noticed is there are two of the same errors upon opening the software. ‘Awaiting connection’ one above the other. It’s like those words are permanently there all the time. Not just one.

Also the OS is chiming when I plug in the laser, and Im using the cables that came with the laser as recommended by the seller

You’ve said it’s GRBL, but not which machine - did it come with software or any directions? Some older versions of GRBL (or custom ones) use a different communication rate (baud rate) than LightBurn’s default. If it’s not connecting, using 9600 baud or some other rate might work. You would change this in Edit > Device Settings.

That said, did LightBurn find and configure the laser correctly when you first set it up? Can you say what device type it chose for you? (If it’s “GRBL” that’s a decent sign, but if it’s GRBL-M3, that’s the default and can mean it couldn’t come up with anything and just assumed that was right).

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