Cannot connect Xtool D1 Pro to MacBook Pro

I’ve downloaded the dev file and followed all directions.

The problem I’m having is that when I try to import the file the software won’t recognize it as an option to import. It’s not saved as a txt file as far as I can see but sometimes computers do weird things.

I’m sure there’s an easy answer that I’m not thinking of. Please help

This may be the situation you’re in:

its a .lbdev

I downloaded the file from either the xtool website or lightburn. I can’t remember precisely. I’m going to delete it(again), and downloade it(again) and see what’s what.

No matter the source, all .lbdev files should show when importing. How are you attempting to import.

You need to do this from the Devices creation window.

Push “Devices” button in Laser window, then Import.

Well my problem is solved. But I’ll be honest, I don’t know what I did differently. I downloaded the file you gave me and it recognized it immediately. I’m at a loss. But I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Thank you for your help!

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