I got my control configured to move to the homing position which is top right. It does so extremely slowly and changing the homing speed settings does nothing. When it finally does home it sets that position to x=0, y=0, but I need x0,y0 to be the bottom left corner not the top right. So, when it does home to top right (as it should) it will not let me move down or left because it thinks it is at 0,0. It will let me move right and up but the machine crashes since it has reached its limits.
If I rearrange the directions and keypad settings it tries to find home at the bottom left. I have exhausted all resources. Any help will be greatly appreciated
That would be the most simple solution or just use the current home and work within quadrant 1. Some of the machine home to the rear right, but many use the rear left.
Why not use it the way it is and set the device settings to home in the upper right.?
It’s all relative anyway.
Why did you build it to home in one place but want the ‘home’ elsewhere?
The machine is an older 1630 boss laser. The original software Engravelab was a disaster. In order for me to run lightburn, which I hear is great, I had to change the laser controller. I purchased a Ruida. My homing switches are top right. Regardless of where I set the origin in lightburn, it does not move left or towards the bottom. That’s the problem. When I change the vendor settings I can move in all directions but it is looking for the homing switches in the bottom right hand corner. Actually, as long as I do not home the machine, I am move the laser to any point
Jack is right, and it looks like George didn’t click the link provided.
George, are you still stuck?
This a pretty serious level of tinkering and you’re super close.
I would just leave the limit switches where they are and set up the Ruida controller as-is.