I hadn’t used the laser (AtomStack20) for a while so I upgraded Lightburn software from version 1.4 to the latest 1.6. But when I startup and select Go to Origin it moves out on the X axis and then shudders. It doesn’t go the set Origin
I also noticed that Jogging position causes a shudder in X axis and in Y axis it just shudders without moving. My Origin has always been set as the centre of the workspace.
So I tried resetting Origin by using Move to 200,200 and it does move but that is not the centre of the workspace. And setting Origin from there either doesn’t get recorded or again is ignored as the Origin position.
Next I tried editing settings for Origin as 200, 200 but when going to Origin it moved X axis but just grumbles and goes nowhere on the Y axis.
I was supecting that perhaps the AtomStack motors are clagged, but it cuts ok when starting from Current Position.
Then I tried setting Home as 10, 10 and after that went to Origin and it worked ok. The cutting head went to 200,200. But when I went to Home and then back to Origin it started misbehaving all over again… went to X 200 but no movement on Y axis while shuddering and making grinding noises.
What are you exactly talking about? An origin is usually undefined as long as you specifically define one. There are very few use cases where you need a user origin. In most cases, you either work with homing and absolute coordinates or using current position and manual laser positioning.
If you need a specific origin, do a homing cycle, then jog to the desired position and set a new user origin there. Then you can select user origin as starting position.
Origin was never changed before I tried fixing this issue. It worked ok before upgrading the software. I was using Origin at centre and I cut many holes and engraved trophy plaques. before each cut I hit Origin, the head would move to centre (200,200) I would position the material and then start cut.
But since upgrading to 1.6 software I cannot get to centre when I hit Origin. Nor can I jog on the Y axis. The same thing happens when going to origin or jogging… X axis is fine but Y on axis the motor shudders and makes a grinding noise and goes nowhere. yet the motor seems fine once the cut/engraving starts.
Is it possible you are not remembering exactly how you did it?
What you are describing is a controller issue. Upgrading Lightburn would not create the symptoms you describe. I have upgraded every single version since 1.0.06 and never had anything like this happen. Have you compared the controller parameters to what the were when first using the machine?
Hit Origin to send the cutting head to the centre of the work area which is at 200,200.
Then centre the timber piece under the cutter head.
Return to Home and then click Start.
If by “Controller” you mean AtomStack20, it shudders and moves nowhere on Y axis when going to Origin or jogging on Y axis, but goes to home and cuts ok.
This is about the controller board in the AtomStack20 laser.
This is not a Lightburn issue. To verify, open the Console window, enable Show All, give a short Y button press in the Move window, then go back and look at the Console window. You should see a line that starts with $J. Copy from a few lines above that to a few below, and paste them in your reply.
I just got my new machine set up and had a hell of a time with Y axis changing directions or going same direction no matter what direction, you jogged. Lightburn would stop responding between each command. Homing it would straighten it out.
This is on v 1.6.03. Though I think it is a controller issue and just throwing out there.
Then you need to do a homing cycle. Send the laser to 200,200 and then save this position as user origin. Now you can send the laser to this user origin. It might have happened that this setting has been reset, this is indeed a LB setting, not a firmware setting.
I think it was not confirmed, but I suspect that only the user origin has been lost/reset during installation. That should not be a problem because the user origin should be considered as a temporary origin. Just set it again.