Cannot read position, impacting Center Finder

I was trying to use center finder with my snapmaker.
During that I noticed the following in the Move Panel:

  • I cannot “read position”, stays at 0 and i see (Unknown command “?” in Console)

  • When moving left and right from the Move Panel with Distance 10 it actually moves 20.

  • When moving from 0 to left (one step,one click, step-size always 10) it moves in two steps (one click) and X in move panel says -10 but device says -20

  • When moving back once from -10 (which is -20 on device) it moves to +10 (device says 0).

  • When i am on -10 and move left it moves from -20 (on device) to -40 (on device), again in two steps while leaving the position in move panel as -10

Get Position always sets current panel positions to 0.
Obviously Center Finder wont work as it does not have any data to work with

I am uncertain on which snapmaker you have

However, recently there were changes from their side on firmware which impacted compatibility with Lightburn. (Maybe you have already read this)

Could you please state here:
Machine and model
LB version
What controller, you choose when adding machine to light burn
Edit → Device settings screenshot

SnapMaker 350 T with 40W Laser

Using the newest GRBL (serial/usb) 350mm x 350mm config (snapmaker-2.0-40w-v1.lbdev)

Firmware on SM (V1.19.0_20240307)

Lightburn v: 1.5.06

Anybody any issues like this ?