Cant connect Orator LM3 with Mac M1

Hello everyone,

I recently bought an Ortur Lasermaster 3.
It works on my Windows laptop without any problems. Unfortunately, I can’t connect it to my MacBook Air with M1 processor from 2020. I have already found a thread about this in this forum and bought the suggested cable (old USB A to USB C adapter that runs on USB 2.0). Unfortunately this has not worked yet.
The following message appears when I enter the command ioreg -p IOUSB in the terminal:

±o Root <class IORegistryEntry, id 0x100000100, retain 29>
±o AppleT8103USBXHCI@01000000 <class AppleT8103USBXHCI, id 0x100000583, reg$
±o AppleT8103USBXHCI@00000000 <class AppleT8103USBXHCI, id 0x100000351, reg$

Is there anyone who has a solution to the problem?

Greetings from Germany

Hello Sandro,

Not an uncommon issue with Apple Silicon portable macs (MacBook air, pros etc)

MacOs will silently fail a USB 3.0 handshake, which it will try with your laser. Even though they have a USBC cable, the Lasers are NOT usb 3.0.

Therefore you must add in between the laser and the Computer a USB 2.0 hub, as cheap and “dumb” as possible.

This will force all the connections through the hub to be 2.0 usb handshake and will - hopefully - fix the issue.

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Hello Gil,

i have already bought an old an cheap USB 2.0 connector and it still doesn’t work.
Du you have any other suggestions?

If you have, it does not show listed on the
ioreg -p IOUSB

Therefore, it might not have a USB controller chip inside.

Can you take a picture of it and or retry the ioreg -p IOUSB

Hi Gil, thanks for the quick response.
This is the Adapter I use and it was already connected as it typed in in the terminal

That is not a Hub as such, is a simple cable converter.

You need an actual USB Hub 2.0


Hello Gil,
I have purchased a new adapter and the software now recognizes the laser. Thanks for the tip.
Now I have the problem that the console indicates that there is no connection (waiting for Cennection) . Can you help me with this too?

Please, remove ALL the devices

Manually add it as GRBL, not GRBL LPC or GRBL M3

Are you Auto Detecting them?

Delete them all - Import - use this LBDEV I am sending
OLM3.lbdev (3.0 KB)

Hi Gil,
Ive been auto detecting them.
I deleted them and imported your file, but it still says waiting for Connection.
Do you have any other suggestions?

Can you confirm you are connecting to the correct port

See if you have any other serial ports on the Drop Down Menu in front of Devices button

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