Cant engrave test picture

Hi there. So i got 3d printer, with attached 500mW laser and im trying to engrave Test Picture from svg file. i tried another software - it can engrave and even make some “depth” in plywood. But it not works as it supposed with Lightburn. Here is how i starting engraving, showed on picture. First of all - speed certainly not 15 mm/s, as set. And its just roaming all over with laser, quite fast - i can barely see outlines just, then stops, as it done work. I totally cant figure, why it thinks that all done, while even speed totally different. my printer works on Marlin, of course.
Second - it said quantity of shapes were set to fill, but not closed, so they removed. What that means? How to make it fully engrave all?



Note the lines and line based font on this pattern. This pattern is best suited to LINE rather than FILL or FILL+LINE, this is why you get the message about shapes not being closed, as the shapes are single lines.

Thanks. Will try later

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