Can't get comgo to connect to lightburn

I just bought a Comgo Z1 laser. I was able to hook it to GRBL no problem but i cant get it to connect to Lightburn. I’ve tried “find my laser” and “create manually” I have also made sure I am on the right Com. I would greatly appreciate some advice or a walk through. Ive been fighting this for a few days now.

Welcome to the forum. Your manual says that your laser requires the CH340 driver installed. Have you done this yet?

You can install the ones from our documentation here if the driver wasn’t provided on a flash drive with your laser.

What controller are you selecting when you try to create the device profile manually? It should be plain GRBL.

I downloaded it when i forest tried to set up my laser. I tried all of them but the main one ive been trying to make work is GRBL. Thank you for the responce!