Hi, I hope someone can help me out on this.
I’m new in this (using a laser cutter, as well as Lightburn) and I can’t get my Sculpfun S9 cutting. Is there something I have to take into account? Or maybe some certain settings I need to do?
(in the screenshots you can see what the settings are now)
Seems to me that a speed of 6000 is too fast to cut at one pass even at 100%.
What material are you cutting and how thick is it?
I have a S9 and I can cut 3mm wood at 400 speed at 90 % with 3-4 passes.
Those are indeed very much different settings to use.
Are there somewhere some kind of guidelines towards those settings, to cut through different thicknesses?
Thank you so much for your reply and help on this!
Much appreciated.
“Passes” means how many times the laser will trace the same line. Generally on thicker material the laser will not cut all the way through the first time and will have to make another “pass” around to get through the material.
I’m not sure what kind of 9mm wood you are working with, I haven’t tried to cut plywood that thick.
I have cut 10mm Pine with my S9, here are my settings for that 10mm Pine:
As a point of note, I don’t run my laser over 75% power, that’s just me. If you run at 100% then you might need fewer passes or might be able to run faster than the 180mm/min that I use.