I have used my CNC to make simple front plates for some electronic projects out of cast acrylic. Painted and ready to laser engrave. I have used the same SVG files that I have used for the CNC job in Lightburn. So I’m using print & cut to align the file with the text and symbols that I want to engrave. I follow the instructions and have set the coordinates very precise but still the end result is not good enough. I don’t know where it is going wrong, I hope someone here has an idea what else I can try. I have cut out some wooden templates to test…
This topic can be closed. Somehow the offset numbers for Y axis of the crosshair disappeared. It costed me a day and a half to find that, woke up in the middle of the night with that possible cause. I had to convince myself to stay in bed and figure it out the next morning and that was the issue…
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