Can't start Free Trial

I tried searching the forum and couldn’t find anyone with the same issue. I’m brand new to Lightburn. I downloaded the 64-bit windows exe, installed everything, but when launching the program I can’t get past the license window. Clicking the Start Free Trial button does nothing. I don’t get any sort of error or response. The software stops responding for a few seconds and then does nothing.

I’ve tried installing older versions and get the same outcome. I’ve made sure there’s no firewall running and can see the laser in the device manager. Not really sure where to go from here. Any guidance would be appreciated!

I’m having the same problem.

This could be related to the issue stated above in the banner of forum
Licensing servers are having an rare outage, try a bit later again please

Sorry for the delay, our hands are tied until Cryptlex service resumes. We’ve reached out for comment.

You can view Cryptlex status here: Cryptlex Status

Thanks! Good to go.

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