Card mks dlc32 laser co2 k50

Hi there …

Jai K50 upgraded version of K40
New power supply and adjustable bed

I bought mks Dlc32 v2.1 board

The K50 uses a black box power supply of MYJG60W
Terminal block different from Ķ40

And secondary terminal block H L P G IN 5V

And I have a 2nd board that powers the NanoM2 board with Green 24v, Black GND, Red 5V, and Yellow L wires.
I removed the nano card…
I took Black and Green to power the MKS ok
Motor connected ok
S from MKS to IN
in lightburn:
Movement with arrow up down left right ok until ALARM:2

Lack of co2 laser signal…

The assembly internet image indicates spindle - ver G and Ttl vers L

Ttl on L burns directly at 19ma

If I add Spindle - to G nothing more

Laser power problem and lightburn do not want to run my test rectangle ALARM:2

sorry i use the translator

Bonjour a tous …

Jai K50 version amélioré de K40
Nouvelle alimenttaion et lit reglable

Jai acheté carte mks Dlc32 v2.1

La K50 utilise une alimentation boite noire de MYJG60W
Bornier different de Ķ40

Et bornier secondaire H L P G IN 5V

Et jai une 2eme carte qui alimente la carte NanoM2 avec des fils Vert 24v , Noir GND, Rouge 5V, et Jaune L
jai supprimé la carte nano …
Jai pris Noir et Vert pour alimenter la MKS ok
Moteur connecté ok
S de la MKS vers IN
dans lightburn :
Mouvement avec flèche haut bas gauche droite ok jusqu’à ALARM:2

Manque signal laser co2 …

Les image internet de montage indique spindle - ver G et Ttl vers L

Ttl sur L brule directement a 19ma

Si je rajoute Spindle - à G plus rien

Probleme de puissance laser et lightburn ne veux pas executer mon rectangle de test ALARM:2

désolé je utlise le traducteur

You lps has three inputs, P, IN and L

P is the water protect input and on my Ruida is wired to ground as the Ruida handles the water protection function better than the lps.

IN is the pwm input
L is laser enable (low active)

Is this how yours is setup?

Where did you get the configuration information for the new board.?


my laser is a Co2 tube that’s Ips … sorry but I don’t necessarily have all the vocabulary …

and I’m trying to find the right firmare for my card …

And card connect S → IN and TTL → G

Somewhere you need a line from your controllers pwm signal to IN on the lps…

Of course I can’t see where the others wires go, but the IN of the lps is the power control and there is nothing connected…


photo to illustrate… I tested S on IN, TTL card on L and on my P and G (white) power supply connected together… but laser burns continuously 20ma

What is the ttl card? Or is this a translation problem?

The mks apparently doesn’t have a laser enable…

This means you need to put a 0 to 5V signal on the IN terminal of the lps and the ttl-signal (probably S) would go to H…

Most of these machines have a ‘pot’ wired across the IN input to allow the user to change pwm range…


On card S TtL Vin
top right on the mks map

Error traduction

can you explain with a drawing please

The Ruida and the standard lps use 2 control lines.

L is used for laser enable
IN is used to control the power (usually the analog/pwm input)

Your output is only 1 signal, that is ‘ttl’ which is usually the IN input.

Only thing on this connector is ground, voltage and ttl signal…

Most K40s have a potentiometer, one side to ground, the other side to 5V and the wiper to IN, simulating the pwm or analog input for power control. Meaning it’s manually controlled for current range.

The TTL signal (pwm) is now used for laser enable (L).
The enable signal is active low, whereas the output of most pwm signals is active high… 30% is ‘high’ for 30% of the pwm period.

You might be able to invert it in the software, but I would just wire it to the H input and use it as it as is…



Thank you for the explanation…
Can you make a diagram to explain the connections for my machine…
The translator not always understandable.

thanks in advance :grin:

There isn’t much to tell…

MKS ttl → LPS ‘H’

The lps IN is set via the pot… VCC is 5V.


There must be a common ground…

Make sense?


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