Center laser on workpiece

Hey guys,
I have checked the forum, but found no apparent topic/solution for my question.

How do I place the laser on the center of the grafics on the workpiece?
For example having a circle to be lasered on a piece of wood, how do I manage to place the laser in the center of the circle?

software version: Lightburn 1.1.03
laser: Atomstack X7 Pro

Thanks for the help in advance,


I’ll answer the question as written but I suspect there’s a broader question about job placement that’s not being addressed. The question itself suggests there might be a “better way” of going about what you’re trying to do.

  1. select the circle
  2. select the center dot of the 3x3 grid in the numeric edits toolbar
  3. note the XPos and YPos listed in numeric edits toolbar
  4. go to Move window
  5. Enter X Y coordinates from numeric edits toolbar into “Move to Position” fields and press Go

Your laser should now be positioned at the center of the circle with respect to the workspace and frame. This assumes you’re working in Absolute Coords. If not, then again, goes back to what you’re really trying to get to.

Draw circle, then, while circle is selected, choose

Followed by,

That will have the circle and laser head aligned to the center of the workspace.

If we have missed what you are after, please provide some additional details and we can go from there. :slight_smile:

@Rick thanks for the explanation, that was the solution to my problem!

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