Is it possible to find the center of gravity of a shape or a closed path?
Sometimes when I design an asymmetric clock, would be good to see where should be the mechanism. It has to be in the center of gravity.
I think it will be difficult because there is a lack of information about the weight distribution. It is easy to determine the geometric center of a shape but it is for the most part not at the same time the weight center of an uneven, with holes and other recesses, shape.
For me the 2d shape center is enough.
Solidworks can calculate it as I know.
You might try searching through the fider and see if there’s a suggestion similar to this already and vote it up. Otherwise start a new one and proselytize until it’s voted high enough for Oz’n’co. to code it. I’ll vote it up, as I’ve had a need for a similar function before.
The engineering term you’re looking for is Centroid.
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