Centering circle on line

What tool in LB can I use to center a circle at the end of a line.

Draw us a rough picture of what you want. Our crystal ball is broken. There are several different ways to interpret your question.

Align is likely the answer.

I might use the center of the selected circle as the drag handle, and with Snapping enabled, drag the circle to snap to the end of the line. If I have misunderstood your request, please do as @JimNM suggests, provide an illustration, and we can go from there. :slight_smile:

2024-04-30_17-19-39 (2)

How would you accomplish that if you want no line on the inside of circle? Node edit?

Your solution is the way I have been doing this. I was hoping for something that deals with alignments.

Illustration or example of what you are after would help with clarity. :slight_smile:

One way, and without further design details. :slight_smile:

2024-05-01_08-56-23 (1)

1 Like

But the circle is not centered with the line.

Being unable to make fancy screen movies:

  • Drag center of circle to snap on end of line
  • Node Edit the line
  • Cursor over line segment inside circle
  • T to trim off that segment
  • Profit!

If that’s not the alignment you want, more info will help guide us.

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