I am having an issue centering my design. I have made these lazy Susan’s multiple times with success. But have also had multiple fail. I start by drawing a circle the size of the object on scrap board and place the object in the middle of the circle. My design is then centered in that circle and i run it. This has worked many times but then i will get a design that is off to the left. I can’t figure out why this is happening. I am no expert at this and only know the basic settings. I also noticed that i ran my template circle 3x and it made 3 slightly different circles.
Thank you for any help…
Are you using absolute coordinates?
Sorry, I’m not even sure what that means. I send it back home after every burn if that helps.
In the laser window it has two setting… start from and job origin.
How are these set?
Are you doing the whole job at once?
If possible can you post the .lbrn2 project file? It’s always nice to see the actual project and how it’s set up…
JOHN.lbrn2 (138.6 KB)
i have been doing it piece by piece to take away all the dead space movements
It is on absolute cordinates, it is odd i have used this same layout and i just change the name and initial and it has come out perfect.
Do you see anything in the program that looks messed up
What is on the green layer?
Im not sure i will check the program when i get home thank you for looking at it
The green layer didnt appear to do anything.
I tried a simple project. I did the name first then the dates. and the foot design last. I sent the device back home between each action. and the foot is off center and doesn’t match where it is in the design. I cant figure out why this is happening.
Have you tried centering project under laser and using current position?
I really havent tried different things as far as overriding positions. starting from home with absolute coordinates seems like the easiest and safest way to work. I have not changed any setting from the default. I have made multiple projects burning a template down on a piece of plywood the placing my piece on top, and have had no issues. Ive made lazy susans with the exact same design just a different last name with that technique without any problems, I dont know why this is randomly happening. Even when I ran the frame to see if this design looked right it appeared to be in the correct spot.
The exact same program name change same positioning on plywood circle running after the first one and is completely off. I notice on this one it looks like the name and everything are in right spot but the leaf designs are off. In my other project the lettering looks right but the foot image is off. So confused
If i didn’t have a template on the plywood i would think my piece moved in between burns.
I just ran a real quick outline of the same see design. Instead of breaking it down i just ran the whole thing at once and it looks like it came out exactly as designed. It seems when i do one part and it ends i send it home and then output the next part maybe it’s losing its home.
I am sure others have said, but sometimes you need to clear the origin and set it again
Reset the home?