Is there any way to shrink the red border line around this image? It makes the framing phase a PITA project. I have a very limited area to place the image on a glass beer mug and if the border was tight to the image life would be so much easier!
A few way to go about it.
However you could create a circle - apply it around image → change it to Tool Layer 1
And make sure its toggle on Frame is on
then you can use it to do rubber band frames, by toggling the image layer off on output
You could also try to use the same circle to do a layer mask on T1
But i am uncertain if this would allow you a rubber band frame. Unable to test at the moment
Yes, if it doesn’t have the square border it’s perfect. How did you do that?
I went-a-Googling to find the graphic but I could only find it within a filled red square:
I downloaded it and opened it up in Affinity Photo (any image editor will do) and flood-filled the outer red area with white. I also cropped the image slightly to the size of the outer circle before saving it.
Sorry, forgot to mention that I upscaled it by 300% in Photozoom Pro.
I suspect all you need to do to your original is to crop it in just about any image editor.
Thanks Gil. Have never used the rubber band option but it will be good to learn to.
Thanks Marcus. I will give that a try in the morning. I have ImagR and also AI Image, be another good learning opportunity!!
I use the Windows image viewer to crop and rotate images. It is much faster than any of the image editing software.
Thanks Mikey, I will give that a try.
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