Change the layer color


I want to ask if there is a way to change the layer color.
I would prefer:
C00 - black
C01 - red
C02 - 20% grey
C03 - 50% grey
C04 - 80% gray
So I can see the darkness of the engraving in the workspace.

Thanks a lot

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Layer color cannot be changed. You may already know but enabling “Shade according to power” will allow you to see relative power levels in the Preview window.

Ya I know, but that doesn’t work in a proper way.
Is there a possibility to change the layer order so I can move useful colors to the beginning of the palette?


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As far as I know the colors are directly matched to the layers. This allows for things like creation of layers outside of LightBurn and having those layers be retained during import.

Is there a specific reason why having certain colors assigned to lower numbers would be useful?


I would like more gray colors.
1st layer color black for outlines and fonts
2nd layer color red for cutting
3rd - 7th layer 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% gray for different dark engravings.

This gives me a picture of what it will look like while assigning the layers without having to do the preview every time


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I get the intent of why you’d want the colors to somewhat represent how the shapes would appear when burned.

But is there a reason why the colors used would need to be layers 1-7 (as in low numbers)? Is there something that makes the low numbers more appealing vs using the colors where they’re located? Would help in determining if there’s potentially a workaround.


It would be ok with the colors on other layers.
BUT there are only 2 shades of gray. And I would prefer at least 5 or 9 with 10% to 90%. This also makes it easier to create vector graphics, e.g. in CorelDraw. WYSIWYG. In gray and not in bright pseudo colors.

you understand my problem

And thanks for thinking about it.

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See here

So really it’s still going to come down to the issue of the colors being abstract and not indicate of intensity and the inability to change them.

I don’t know if there’s a reason why they couldn’t be customizable other than the potential issue with color mapping as I described earlier. I wouldn’t see harm in having a default color that’s overridable.

I’d suggest looking through the feature suggestions site to see if this has already been requested. You can upvote an existing request or create your own if it doesn’t already exist.

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