Changing default machine setting profile


I had to format by computer , i am now reinstalling all of softwares i need including LB

thanks God i made a copy of my previous machine setting file and i dragged and dropped it in to working area and LB seems ok.

i imported it twice by mistake and now i have also a undesired copy (3) of my own machine setting

Point is that by default any time i open LB the software is getting back to some wrong preinstalled setup (1) and this is giving me problems.

i am not able to delete this wrong machine setting file (1) and set my own setup (2 ) as default. so the questions are :

  1. how can i delete a undesired machine setting ? ( number 1 and 3 in my case )
  2. how can i chamge default machine setting ( the one i need is the 2 )



All you need to do is open devices → Select what you want to be defaults - Click Make Default

One done select the bad profile → click Remove

i found it…sorry for annoyment

i post the answer just in case it can be useful for some beginner like me

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