Wondering how to change my home position to back right?
Also i would love to keep my X0 Y0 as front left. Is this possible?
I have limit switches and end of all travel for a Lasermatic 10
Also i have a ZBAITU it has similar set up to lasermatic regards limit switches etc. It does home back right but also X0 Y0 is set to same position. Is it possible on this machine to maintain home position but change X0 Y0 to front left
This depends on the behavior of your controller. If it zeros out the origin after homing then you would type this into Console:
G10 L2 P1 X-410Y-400
If it does not zero-out origin after homing then this will depend on your specific situation. The formula is basically:
G10 L2 P1 X[position_after_homingX-410]Y[position_after_homingY-400]
I thought you wanted origin at bottom-left but homing to top-right. What am I missing?
What was the previous origin setting?
Were your jogging controls working correctly before? If so, changing $23 should not have changed that. Did you also change $3 or change Origin setting?