Check OLM3 version in LB

Boy, not at all sure which place for this question, but how to check firmware version in LB? This is a short excerpt from the logon in console:
[MODEL:Ortur Laser Master 3]
Target buffer size found"

I download the file from this link: ESP_OLM3_V211_20230419.bin
and try to install with usual “reset_power” button. All looked good, but when I powered up OLM3 again with LB open the above is the text I get.

I see the OLF:211 and that seems to be the same as the “V211”, and the “DATE:2023417” looks like the .bin file, but then the “VER:1.1f.20220325” is confusing. What version do I have installed?

Looks like an early version of this question got posted before I finished. I think I’ve answered your questions here.

Thanks to ya’ll
Ken H>

From your ‘??’ console dump, the release of the current firmware appears to be 20230407

The firmware file you downloaded appears to be 20230419, which is newer, but still over a year old. I would double check that there isn’t a more current release (entirely possible, of course).

Thank you Colin for the response, but that file I downloaded was from the website as the most current. What does the “[VER:1.1f.20220325:]” mean?

That’s the GRBL version, the open source firmware that Ortur uses on their devices.

Colin, I’m going to really show my lack of knowledge here. The link you gave shows a file dated Aug 25, 2019 as the latest update. Is that actually newer than the .bin file on the Ortur site dated April, 2023?

Another problem, I’m not sure what to do with the .hex file since the info I have to update the firmware uses a .bin file copied to the OLM3 drive.

Please be gentle on an old man :slight_smile:
Ken H>

That link shows the GRBL Firmware development release. This is the source code that Ortur has modified to work with their device. It is not what you need to update your firmware, but rather I’m just showing you the naming scheme for GRBL, for example, 1.1f.

In short, disregard the link, use what is offered by Ortur’s website.

This is the latest version
OLF stands for Ortur Laser Firmware
211 is latest

Thank you gilaraujo, that explains what the version is. The line “[VER:xxx” had me confused - of course I’m easy confusted :slight_smile:

Putting all the above info together I think I now better understand.

[OLF:211] the OLF stands for Ortur Laser Firmware, so that’s the actual version of the OLM3 firmware that is being used.

[DATE:20230417] best I can tell that’s the date of Ortur’s firmware release. Looks like on the Ortur site there are different dates for the V211 firmware. I’ve seen files with Feb 23, 2023, April 17, 2023, and April 19, 2023.

[VER:1.1f.20220325:] That is the GRBL version, the open source firmware that Ortur uses to create the firmware for their devices.

Thank you all for the help. This old man can learn, but is slower than in younger years.

Ken H>

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