Check Rotary function

Hi I have been using LIghtburn for a few years now and it gets better with every update, the only problem I have is if I have been using the rotary function I sometimes forget to turn it off this causes me a problem with flat work until I realise what I have done. Is there a way I can have a message pop up each time I start Lightburn? It would help if the green notifications showing showing rotary mode were larger. I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

I would suggest going to Edit->Device Settings, then enabling “Enable job checklist”. You can add notes for all the things to check before running a job including checking for rotary there.

Similarly, you could enable a note in File->Show Note if you regularly work with the same project and have it show whenever the file is loaded.

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It would be a nice feature if the job origin green square changed to green rotary icon when rotary is enabled.


Thanks for the info, I will be in the workshop tomorrow and will give it a try.

What a good idea.