Chrome Remote - and others

Is there a way for me to identify which computer I am running Lightburn on when using a remote such as Chrome Remote or Microsoft Remote? Both computers have a unique name. It’s pretty easy to get confused which computer is which on multipal screen at my desk.

Also, is there a way to mirror my primary Lightburn in my office to the one in my shop and to do that on an autoupdate?

Thanks for all you folks do.

The best way to mirror an install would be to put your art libraries and cut libraries onto a cloud drive, like Google Drive or Dropbox.

We don’t recommend using cloud drives to save files - it may work 99% of the time, but we do see instances of files getting broken when they’re indexed/saved to cloud drives on occasion.

You can go to ‘Edit > Settings’ and enable dark background on one of the PC’s as a visual indicator, or change your window layout by dragging the windows around so each is unique.

Thanks Colin. These things I do currenlty. But they are all such a pain in the keyster.

Such a terrific application and great support. Perhaps, someday, a “X computer:” trailing the logo.

We do have a feature request site if you’d like to make that suggestion - just click the hyperlinked text in this reply.

I have my computers named by what they drive, K40, Ext diode, CNC, 3D Printer and Design. I know I have too many computers being a Techno Junkie (I knew I would find a use for them someday) but it actually makes it easier to know where to transfer files from the computer I do most of my Design work on.