Classes to learn Lightburn with 40w Falcon2?

My brother and I invested in this laser and the program. We have learned quite a bit since it’s delivery and continue to learn more every day. However, do not feel we are learning all the things we really need to have a better understanding of it all as a whole. So, we am off there is actual classes or something other than YouTube videos. Where the videos are helpful, there are all kinds of things left unanswered all the time. Can someone please help us with this?

A bit too open ended question, unfortunately.
The difficulty of these things is they are as much a skill, a science as an art.

What i would suggest is break your problems in bite size chunks.

The forum here is a very good source of information, but you got to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers.

By this i mean, ask very specific question with visual aids (images) to allow others to quickly identify the issues or problems you are facing.

The mind hive is extremely powerful. :slight_smile:

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Reading through the documentation will give you plenty of information that’s not at all obvious:

Following the steps & building the sample projects in the Beginner Pathway on that page will show how it all fits together.

You can also download the whole thing as a 245 page PDF, print it out (booklet / duplex mode will be your friends!), and curl up in your favorite Comfy Chair.

Welcome aboard!

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Thank you for the guidance and direction. I will keep all of this in mind for future posts/direction.

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Thank you and we are on it.

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What are you hoping to do with your laser? It might help us able to recommend some resources based on your needs.

If you haven’t seen it yet, we have a robust Youtube channel (in addition to our Documentation) with various resources.

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Generally it works this way… You want to do something … watch a youtube or two… do the design and run the job. If you’re totally new to these, might want to follow @ednisley advise.

When you hit a spot in this process that things don’t work as expected in creating or executing the job, come here, search for a solution, and if not found, post the question. Provide a link to your sources, so we can follow along and help you correct the issue or the concept.

We’re here to help you get it to do what you want. There are lots of good resources here.

You can also click on the Docs link at the very top in that tool bar, to peruse the information there.

Good luck - have fun

P.S. welcome to the site :grimacing:


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I am just attempting to learn anything and everything. Eventually it will begin making money through a business. However, I am the type that is trying to do all the challenging things first. Like, etching on glass/mirror, making challenge coins for my brotherhood and other organizations, and 3D imaging. All with my Falcon2 40w running GRBL and Lightburn. any pointers and or direction would be awesome. I thank you and everyone else for the reply’s and help thus far.

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