First time posting because I’m completely out of ideas.
I have a new Cloudray LiteMarker 5W UV Laser and it appears to be setup correctly in Lightburn. I am able to engrave things OK.
However, when I try framing I cannot see any preview from the UV laser. I have tried various materials, turning off all the lights just in case the preview was very dim but I cannot see any kind of framing.
I did search the forums but I could not find any posts to help. Same with a Google search, I’m out of ideas.
Am I missing a setting or am I misunderstanding how framing works on Galvo UV Lasers?
UV Galvos also have an assistive red dot for framing.
Post screenshots of your Device Settings, please. Especially the “Ports and Laser settings” tab.
Did you import the correct markcfg7 file? When I imported the one from the file here, it adds a device with CO2 as the Laser Type, so I’m not sure, that’s the correct one.