CO2 Laser Cutting in Diagonal

My machine is cutting diagonally as in the image


I’m not quite sure what I’m looking at or what I should be comparing this to. :slight_smile:

If you’re willing, please share more about what you’re working on and what outcome you’re looking for.

one side of the cut is supported on the table, the orientation of the piece is the way the cut is

If I read picture right, your laser will not cut at a 90 degree angle to the machine bed. Control your nozzle mounting with a mechanic angle in both directions.

Your laser head is not mounted correctly and does not face straight perpendicular to the work surface.

Como falado acima verifique se a cabeça e a base estão paralelas, caso tenha mesa móvel pode ser algo com ela, veja os ajustes e posição das bases nos fusos. Claro que também tem a inclinação da própria queima, nesse caso entra outros fatores como comprimento de foco, velocidade/potência, o que pode lhe auxiliar nisso é mais fluxo de ar na caneta, usando um compressor ou algo assim.

As mentioned above, check that the head and base are parallel, if you have a mobile table it could be something with it, check the adjustments and position of the bases on the spindles. Of course, there is also the inclination of the burning itself, in this case other factors come into play such as focus length, speed/power, what can help you with this is more airflow in the pen, using a compressor or something like that.

a mesa é movel mas esta nivelada, como faço pra ajustar o angulo da cabeça?

The table is movable but it is level, how do I adjust the angle of the head?

The adjustments may be different on your laser, but this is the general idea:

Those two screws in the slots provide both vertical adjustment and a small angular tweak.

Despite the obvious angle, the laser beam was perpendicular to the platform, so I think the mirror alignment was correct and the head was simply tilted around the beam.

In your machine, the head may be properly aligned and the beam may be angled. Perhaps it emerges close to one side of the nozzle aperture, rather than the center as it should.

A simple test for that is to fire a manual pulse into cardboard at the normal focus distance, lower the platform 10 or 20 mm, and fire another pulse. The second pulse will be defocused, but it should be centered around the smaller focused pulse.

The two tests on the right show my laser is slightly misaligned after its move to my new Basement Shop:

The small holes (and the red dot pointer) should be in the middle of the larger scorches, but they’re slightly offset, which means the beam isn’t exactly perpendicular to the platform.

But it’s close enough for me right now … :grin: