Co2 Laser dropped power drastically recently 25mA down to 16mA

Hi all i have a 100w co2 laser with a reci W2 tube

From day 1 when i got it i turned the pot on the side of the machine down as 80% was 24mA output so i turned the pot down and set it so 100% power was 24 maybe 25mA

most of the time i run it at 95% power anyway for heavy cutting.

Anyway i’ve been running it for a little over a year done 91 hours of laser on time and today i was cutting some material at 95% and noticed the ammeter down to 16mA

Confused i thought maybe the temperature had something to do with it as it was 30 degrees c in the shop so turned the chiller up ran it at 19degrees and still same thing

What can i look for or fault find to see if its tube ( surely not after only 90 hours) or psu etc?

Thanks in advance

I can’t provide much help because I don’t know much about CO2 machines.
Generally, when there are sudden drops in energy consumption, there are bad contacts (usually connectors or power regulators) or isues in the power supply.

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